How you can help

All gifts to Afghan Friends Network (AFN) are tax-deductible under applicable IRS rules. AFN is registered nonprofit organization with tax exempt status as a Section 501 (C) 3 public charity. AFN's tax ID number is 65-1275552.

Your donation supports educational programs in Afghanistan that build self-sufficiency and empower Afghan children and women. We are proud that your contribution goes directly to programs in Afghanistan because we are an all-volunteer organization. AFN programs are run entirely by and for Afghans. We appreciate your support.

Donate Online

For online donations using a credit card, please follow the link below to make a secure payment via Paypal.

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Donate by Mail

You may also send your check (made payable to Afghan Friends Network) to support our projects to:

Afghan Friends Network 
PO Box 170368
San Francisco, CA 94117